Deschutes County Republicans Announce Annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner Featuring Keynote Speaker Chloe Cole

Date: February 5, 2025
Contact: Connie Whelchel, Vice Chair + Communications Chair
[email protected]

Deschutes County Republicans Announce Annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner Featuring Keynote Speaker Chloe Cole

The Deschutes County Republican Party is thrilled to announce its Annual Lincoln-Reagan Fundraiser Dinner, a marquee event bringing together community members, leaders, and supporters to celebrate the American Dream and the continued success of our shared values. The event will take place on Saturday, March 8th, at 5:00 PM at the Eagle Mountain Event Center.

This year’s keynote speaker is Chloe Cole, a prominent voice advocating for parental rights and child safeguarding.


Deschutes County Republican Party Endorses the End VBM Initiative to Restore Trust in Oregon’s Elections

Date: January 27th, 2025
Contact: Connie Whelchel, Vice Chair + Communications Chair
[email protected]

Deschutes County Republican Party Endorses the End VBM Initiative to Restore Trust in Oregon’s Elections

BEND, Ore. –
The Deschutes County Republican Party proudly endorses the End VBM (Vote by Mail) initiative, founded by Ben Edtl, Michaela Hammerson, and Stephen Joncus, as part of a broader effort to support substantive reforms to Oregon’s election and voter registration laws.


RESOLUTION | Ranked Choice Voting

Deschutes County Republican Central Committee

Resolution of the Deschutes County Republicans Opposing Ranked Choice Voting 
aka Star Voting/Equal Voting


WHEREAS, The mission of the Republican Party is to act as the party of liberty, equality, opportunity for all and of favoritism for none. We encourage and allow for the broadest possible participation of all voters in Republican Party activities at all levels, ensuring that the Republican Party is open and accessible to all Americans;


Oregon's Department of Land Conservation and Development

The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development is one department I’d like to tell you about. In 1973 the Legislature passed SB100 that enacted Land Use Law in Oregon.


When land use decisions don't go the way a Developer prefers, the case can be referred to LUBA, Land Use Board of Appeals, 3 Judges that report to the Governor. Yes, you heard that right, 3 Judges report to the Executive branch of Oregon. A violation of Separation of Powers.


They use 19 Planning Goals. Every land use decision must conform to these Planning Goals.

Goal 1 Citizen Involvement

Goal 2 Land Use Planning

Goal 3 Agricultural Lands

Goal 4 Forest Lands

Goal 5 Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces

Goal 6 Air, Water and Land Resources Quality

Goal 7 Areas Subject to Natural Hazards

Goal 8 Recreational Needs

Goal 9 Economic Development

Goal 10 Housing

Goal 11 Public Facilities and Services

Goal 12 Transportation

Goal 13 Energy Conservation

Goal 14 Urbanization

Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway

Goal 16 Estuarine Resources

Goal 17 Coastal Shorelands

Goal 18 Beaches and Dunes

Goal 19 Ocean Resources


Statement regarding the Arraignment of President Donald J. Trump

As the Deschutes Republican Party, we are deeply concerned by the events that unfolded on April 4th, 2023. This day will forever be remembered as a dark moment in American history, as a President of the United States has been indicted for the very first time and is the culmination of a prolonged political persecution of President Donald J. Trump.


In response to Harley Coldiron of The Deschutes Chronicle

In response to Mr. Coldiron's 3/18/23 article...

It's disappointing to see yet another media outlet resort to publishing a divisive article with unfounded assumptions.

But, unfortunately, the media attacking Conservatives has become par for the course.

First, a couple of corrections: 1) The rifle was not part of an auction. It was a raffle, very much like the rifle raffle the Oregon State Sheriffs' Association put on last December; and 2) when Chris Piper ran for mayor, Biden was president at the time, not Trump.


Response to Mr. Paulson in Bend Bulletin

In response to Mr. Paulson's guest column in the Bend Bulletin dated 2/15/23:

Yes, we're raffling a hunting rifle. Hunting is a common hobby in this country.


Welcome from new DRP Chair Scott Stuart

Most of us have ancestors who’ve immigrated to the USA. From all the earth. A great multitude of families and individuals and cultures, all with the same intention: hope in The Dream. The Dream of Liberty & Freedom and the ability to pursue life without the oppression of tyrannical leaders and corrupt laws.


Ballot Measure 114 - The Most Extreme Gun Control Initiative

Ballot Measure 114 is the nation’s most extreme gun control Initiative and will be voted on this November!

Under the guise of the "Reduction of Gun Violence Act," Ballot Measure 114 is an unconstitutional,
anti-gun initiative package that includes a state-run government registry of gun owners’ personal information and firearms, requires a permit to purchase a firearm, imposes an indefinite delay on background checks, and bans any magazine with over a 10-round capacity.

Why Should I vote No on Ballot Measure 114?


An Election Message From the Chair, Phil Henderson

Chair, Phil HendersonWelcome From the Chair, Phil Henderson

On behalf of Deschutes County Republicans, welcome to our website.  We hope you find it helpful in describing our activities and explaining our positions on many issues.  Also, if you are a Deschutes Republican, or want to become one, you can use our website to get further involved.  
Deschutes Republicans welcome the participation of anyone who shares our beliefs in limited government, individual and religious liberty and rights, fiscal responsibility and common sense in public-policy. Please join us! 
On the eve of the 2022 Primary elections, we already have several indicators to suggest that 2022 could be a very successful year for Deschutes Republicans.


Bend Patriot Business Owners

Protecting our 2nd Amendment rights

In the 2021 legislature, Senate Bill 554 was passed by predominantly anti-gun legislators, with the intent of further restricting our gun rights. The bill included provisions raising our gun fees, increasing our liability with respect to gun-ownership and increasing the regulations on concealed gun license holders by greatly expanding local governments' abilities to restrict those rights.


Redistricting testimony of our chair

Deschutes Republicans Written Comments to Redistricting Committees. 9/13/21

Dear House and Senate Redistricting Committee Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Committee Members:

Thank you for your attention to this letter.


Bend - LaPine School Board gathering -- inappropriate or illegal?

(The following blog post concerns events surrounding the recent actions by the Bend-LaPine School Board and originates from research by one of our Deschutes Republican leaders, Brandon Merritt. We thought many parents would be interested in this letter and its possible ramifications.)


Women's Sports Over the Years

Over the years, women’s sports have incorporated important changes. There was a time when girls sports had physical exertion limits. An example was the special rules for girls’ basketball. Each team had six players rather than the normal five. Three played only offense and three were just defensive players; they couldn’t cross the half court line, apparently to limit excessive running.


Bend City Officials, DA John Hummel disregard the Rule of Law

By: Paul DewitteThe recent standoff between ICE and hundreds of Bend protesters illustrates how social justice warriors (SJWs) have decided that their feelings are more important than the rule of law. One expects far-left Democrat politicians like Gov. Kate Brown and Bend City Councilor Barb Campbell to make ridiculous assertions about the detention of two illegal aliens wanted for repeated...


Not Trump's War

Help the lonely

I appreciate the July 29 front page article that held a spotlight on the lonely and vulnerable in our long-term care communities. This is indeed a challenging time for residents of these communities as well as for their families.


Untold Story of Trump Economy

In the three years since Trump was elected president, the U.S. economy has experienced an economic revival unlike anything seen in over half a century. While Democrats and their friends in the mainstream media like to give credit to Obama for the recovery following the recession that started in 2007, and some even claim that he is responsible for its significantly better performance under Trump, they fail to acknowledge that it was the weakest recovery since WWII.


Press Release: Law Enforcement and DA Hummel

Law Enforcement and District Attorney Hummel Recent interactions between community members and ICE / DA Hummel’s StatementsAugust 24, 2020, Bend, OR Today, we are announcing the condemnation of the recent actions taken place by those in our community in Bend with regards to ICE. We also are condemning the actions of those local officials who acted against the interests of most of Deschutes County residents.


Trump will get my vote

The COVID balance. There is a serious balance between opening our schools and paying heed to the virus danger.

Our children, who seem to be more immune to the virus, are suffering a huge loss in educational skills. There is also the factor of socializing, physical activity and nutritional meals.


Despair at Senior Centers

Wear your mask

It seems wearing masks is not universal. It has made me think back to a time when we had to come together for the common good. Like others I have memories the polio epidemic when we had to stay out of crowds to protect ourselves and each other. Or act for the common good.


President Trump is effective and unfairly treated!

Presidents are often ridiculed by the media. President Johnson suffered slings and arrows for hiking up his shirt to show reporters his gall bladder surgery scar. President Ford was termed a clumsy oaf when he stumbled exiting a plane; his misstep was due to a knee injury suffered as a player on a University of Michigan championship football team.


Why I am a conservative

Dean Harris’ guest column titled “Why I am a liberal” gives a thoughtful attempt to summarize the basis for rights and the lengths to which we, as a society, should go to protect those rights.

This is spelled out in middle of the column where he states that our freedoms and rights are afforded to us by the pack (that we are a part of).


John Hummel disgraced himself with his recent column, "Where Are My Patriots?"

By Paul deWitt Editor's note: This column originally incorrectly listed Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel's party affiliation. He is unaffiliated with a party.  In his June 1 column in the Bulletin, Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel lamented that “respectful and rule-following protests” have achieved little for the “oppressed in our country.” 


The meaning of the Pledge

We need the police. America’s Jews and Christians appear to be failing the biggest test of their lives so far. The seriousness of your religion is being tested. Will we look back on this time and wonder how we, especially our religious leaders, could have failed in times of moral crisis? It is clear by our actions that religion does not have much impact on our lives When tested, it often fails.


Press Release: A Message From the Chair

I have been watching the impact of our Governor’s shelter-in-place order and the shutdown of our economic activity on our county’s citizens over the last 8 weeks.

I have believed from the onset this executive order was illegal. The continued lockdown is no longer about the health of Deschutes County citizens, but about power and control at highest level of state government.


Do not resurrect the carbon tax

By Paul deWitt Democrat legislators in Salem, who have never met a tax they don’t like, are determined to pass the carbon tax bill, otherwise known as cap and trade. Having died in the last session from a combination of factors – the Timber Unity rally, the walkout of the 11 Republican senators to prevent a quorum, and the failure of the Democrat senators to muster enough votes among their own members – Democrats are trying to resurrect this moribund bill, like Lazarus from the dead, in the current short session.


Climate Leader Gov. Kate Brown Flies in Private Jet to Sunriver Meeting

Brown’s stance as a carbon reducing advocate is questioned. Bend, OR, October 14, 2019 - On Monday afternoon, Oregon Governor Kate Brown was spotted exiting a private jet plane at the Sunriver airport. The jet trip was considered to be very surprising given Governor Brown’s strong support of HB 2020, legislation aimed at reducing carbon emissions and curbing climate change.

SCOTUS decision ruins rural representation

For over half a century there has been a relentless assault by the left on our republican form of government. At both the federal and state levels, republicanism has been undermined by court rulings and legislative initiatives.