2024 Candidates

We will begin to update those running in 2024 and provide links where available. This page is for Republicans who have announced they are running or filed. If someone is missing, please let us know so by emailing [email protected]

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November 5, 2024 - General Election

Central Oregon Candidates

Non-Partisan Offices

Deschutes County Sheriff, 4 year term

Kent Vander Kamp

No photo description available.Vote Vander Kamp


City Councils

Bend City Council

Chet Wamboldt



Redmond City Council
Mayor - Cat Zwicker

Cat Zwicker for Redmond City Council

Jay Patrick

No photo description available.

Shannon Wedding

May be an image of 1 person, smiling and treeMay be an image of wedding and text

Alan Lawyer

May be an image of 1 person and beardhttps://lirp.cdn-website.com/c0e44a6c/dms3rep/multi/opt/AlanLAWYER-6b9f5957-1920w.png



Oregon State Representative

Keri Lopez, 53rd District


E. Werner Reschke, 55th District


Vicki Breese-Iverson, 59th District


Mark Owens, 60th District


Oregon State Senator

Michael Summers, 27th District


Diane Linthicum, 28th District


Mike McLane, 30th District

Ballot Measures


Federal Offices

U.S. President

Donald Trump / J. D. Vance


U.S. Representative

Cliff Bentz, Oregon 2nd District

bentz headshotRepresentative Cliff Bentz logo



Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Oregon 5th District


Oregon Offices

Oregon Attorney General

Will Lathrop

Oregon Treasurer

Brian Boquist

Oregon Secretary of State

Dennis Linthicum




State Measures

OPPOSE MEASURE 115 - Allow the legislature to impeach elected state executives.

This measure opens the door for tyranny. This measure would allow lawmakers to impeach and remove statewide elected officials, like the governor or secretary of state, removing that power from the people.

OPPOSE MEASURE 116 - Creates an independent public service commission to set wages for specified officials.

This measure is an unnecessary change that could reduce transparency and increase costs. Keep compensation decisions in the hands of accountable ELECTED officials.

OPPOSE MEASURE 117 - Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for federal and state offices.

RCV is a misguided change to our election procedures that undermines voter rights and invites corruption. It violates the constitutional principle of “one voter, one candidate, one vote” by forcing voters to rank ALL candidates, even those that they don’t know or support. Key issues with RCV: Requires multiple rounds of counting, increasing error risk, makes post-election audits nearly impossible, discards some voters’ choices in each round.

OPPOSE MEASURE 118 - TAX INCREASE - Corporate tax revenue rebate for residents.

This measure proposes a 3% corporate tax increase to fund an annual rebate of $1600. The long-term consequences of this measure would be severe to businesses and consumers in Oregon, as it would likely increase costs of goods and services, along with potential loss of jobs as businesses relocate. This measure will harm Oregon’s economy and could ultimately cost residents more than the rebate provides.

OPPOSE MEASURE 119 - Unionization of Cannabis Workers.

Prevents cannabis employers from sharing their opinions on unions.

County Measures

OPPOSE 9-173 - Expand County Commissioners from 3 to 5 members.

This would increase annual payroll by $304,000, not including additional benefits. This unnecessary expansion burdens taxpayers. An increase in commissioners would diminish transparency, as current quorum rules require all discussions to take place in public meetings.

OPPOSE 9-174 - Redmond School District Bond.

This is a bond request for $97.7 million dollars. The current levy is set to expire and instead of letting the homeowners feel relief, this measure would continue to cost $2.45 per 1,000 assessed valuation.