Election Integrity | Oregon Laws + Processes

Are Oregon's Voting and Elections Secure?

Recent updates

Article 11/22/24: Oregon DMV Busted Allowing People of Unknown Citizenship to Register to Vote

Article 10/23/24: Judicial Watch Sues Oregon to Force Clean Up of Voter Rolls

Article 10/07/24: Oregon Strikes an Additional 302 People From Voter Rolls Over Lack of Citizenship Proof

Article 09/30/24: Oregon Voter Registration Integrity


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Let's take a look at our current laws and processes to ensure there is very little (or preferably no) risks to the security and accuracy of our elections. (Red text is added for emphasis wherever there are italics in red.)


ORS 254.465(1) County clerks shall conduct all elections in this state by mail.

View CNN segment | Mail-in Voting is fraught with fraud

View Fox Business segment | Mail-in Voting can undercut the confidence in our elections

Click here to view postal worker stuffing ballot box multiple times. (Postal workers are supposed to simply take mailed-in ballots to the county clerk's office.)

Click here to view a mule ballot stuffing. (One of many examples out there. However, in Oregon, why potentially draw attention to yourself stuffing a ballot box when you can simply drop stacks of ballots in a mail receptacle? Thank you, Mail-In Voting!)

Click here to read Washington Times article | Vote-by-mail is the worst way to run an election

Click here to read New York Post article | Mail-in voting makes cheating all too easy

Click here to read New York Post article | Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots

Click here to read ‘Ripe for error’: Ballot signature verification is flawed — and a big factor in the election

Click here to read One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit They Cheated in 2020 Election


ORS 254.478
(1) Subject to ORS 260.705, upon receipt of ballots, the county clerk may:
(a) Begin opening return identification envelopes of ballots and any used secrecy envelopes of ballots; and
(b) In accordance with a security plan approved by the Secretary of State under ORS 254.074, begin scanning ballots into a vote tally system.
(2) The county clerk may take any other actions that are necessary to count ballots. 


Our laws used to state that county clerks could start processing incoming ballots up to seven days before Election Day. That recently changed...now clerks can start processing UPON RECEIPT.

Are there Election Observers present during these times the clerks are processing ballots up to two weeks early? Were Election Observers present even before, when the laws gave clerks seven days before Election Day?

Deschutes County

Based off the CVRs (Cast Vote Records), let's take a look at the first 1,000 ballots that were received and counted in Deschutes County for the 2020 November General Election. Keep in mind that it was reported in Deschutes County that Biden won with 53% of votes and Trump with 44%.

Out of the first 1,000 votes that came into Deschutes County, 903 of them were for Joe Biden. With Biden only winning 53% of Voters, statisticians should recognize that this is a highly improbable statistic. 

Here's another view of the first 1,000 votes...

This graph depicts the exact order the first 1,000 ballots came in and were processed. The Ballot Runs for Biden are astronomically high in a county that Biden won with only 53% of votes. Again, another statistical improbability. 

And Deschutes County wasn't the only county to experience this implausible pattern in 2020. Read this interesting article out of Washington state.

HB 3291 passed in 2021 and led to…

ORS 254.470
(6)(e) …If the elector returns the ballot by mail:

(B) The ballot must:
(i) Have a postal indicator showing the ballot was mailed not later than the date of the election; and
(ii) Be received at the office of the county clerk not later than seven calendar days after the date of the election.

(8) If the elector returns the ballot by mail, and a postal indicator is not present or legible, the ballot shall be considered to be mailed on the date of the election and may be counted if the ballot is received no later than seven calendar days after the election. 

OAR 165-007-0045(6)(c)
If elections officials are not able to verify the date of mailing through available USPS tools, then elections officials shall accept a signed declaration on the ballot return envelope as evidence of the date of mailing. Based on that evidence, the elections official shall accept and count the valid ballots.

Oregon leaders have made it possible for people to turn in ballots AFTER Election Day. 


(1) If an elector is within the county and, because of a physical disability or an inability to read or write, is unable to mark the ballot, the elector may request and shall receive the assistance of two persons of different parties provided by the clerk or of some other person chosen by the elector in marking the ballot. The persons assisting the elector shall ascertain the wishes of the elector and assist the elector in voting the ballot accordingly, and thereafter may give no information regarding the vote.

(2) A person may not assist an elector under subsection (1) of this section if the person:
(a) Is an employer of the elector or an agent of the employer; or
(b) Is an officer or agent of the union of which the elector is a member.

(3) In preparing the ballot, an elector may use or copy a sample ballot, which may be marked in advance to assist the elector in marking the official ballot. [Formerly 250.690; 1985 c.471 §11; 1999 c.410 §56; 2007 c.154 §38]

HB 2681 passed in 2021 and led to...

ORS 247.275
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of ORS chapters 246 to 260, the registration of an elector may not be considered inactive due to an elector not voting or updating the elector’s registration for any period of time.
(2) The registration of an elector shall be considered active if the only reason for the registration of an elector being considered inactive is that the elector neither voted nor updated the elector’s registration for any period of time.
(3) The Secretary of State may adopt rules necessary to implement this section. [2021 c.233 §2]

This new law can keep Voters on Oregon Voter Rolls INDEFINITELY.

This is a dream for criminals who now have a Credit Line of Voters in place.

Read Wisconsin Lawmakers Introduce Common Sense Legislation that Forces State to Scrub Voter Rolls of some 3.6 – 3.8 million Inactive Voters

ORS 247.038
(1) A qualified person who is homeless or resides in a shelter, park, motor home, marina or other identifiable location may not be denied the opportunity to register to vote.
(2) For purposes of this chapter:
(a) The residence address of a person who is homeless or resides in a shelter, park, motor home, marina or other identifiable location may be any place within the county describing the physical location of the person; and
(b) The mailing address of a person who is homeless or resides in a shelter, park, motor home, marina or other identifiable location may be the office of the county clerk. [1993 c.493 §104; 2007 c.553 §1]

Per the Oregon Mail-In Voting Manual on the Secretary of State website…

Page 5 | A houseless voter’s Oregon residence address may be any place within a county that describes the voter’s physical location: 

  • This does NOT need to be where the voter sleeps, since houseless people do not always sleep in the same place
  • It also does NOT have to be in a place with a standard postal address

Page 6 | Many houseless voters have different residences and mailing addresses. 

  • These voters may decide to make a county elections office their mailing address and pick up their ballots there. Be sure to let voters know about this option, since it may be the most convenient one for them.
  • These voters may receive mail by General Delivery. This is a USPS program that allows people to pick up their mail at a post office.
    • Accept this as a valid mailing address
    • In OCVR enter “GENERAL DELIVERY” in the Address field of the voter’s mailing address and fill out the City/State/Zip fields immediately below

ORS 247.012(4)(a) Except as provided in ORS 247.125, if a registration card is legible, accurate and contains, at a minimum, the registrant’s name, residence address, date of birth and signature, the county clerk shall register the person.

Apparently, Proof of Residence and/or a valid home USPS address is not required to be registered to vote.

ORS 247.017
(1) The Secretary of State shall by rule establish a schedule by which the Department of Transportation shall provide to the secretary electronic records containing the legal name, age, residence and citizenship information for, and the electronic signature of, each person who meets qualifications identified by the secretary by rule.
(2) Upon receiving the electronic record for, and electronic signature of, a person described in subsection (1) of this section, the Secretary of State shall provide the information to the county clerk of the county in which the person may be registered as an elector. The secretary or county clerk shall notify each person of the process to:
(a) Decline being registered as an elector.
(b) Adopt a political party affiliation.
(3) If a person notified under subsection (2) of this section does not decline to be registered as an elector within 21 calendar days after the Secretary of State or county clerk issues the notification, the person’s electronic record and electronic signature submitted under subsection (1) of this section will constitute a completed registration card for the person for purposes of this chapter. The person shall be registered to vote if the county clerk determines that the person is qualified to vote under Article II, section 2, of the Oregon Constitution, and the person is not already registered to vote.

This is Oregon's Motor Voter law that registers all Oregonians BY DEFAULT to vote.

And unless new voters specify a particular party affiliation, they are registered automatically as NAVs (Non-Affiliated Voters). 

NAVs are not allowed to vote for partisan positions (e.g., Oregon governor) in Oregon's Primary Elections every two years. 

And now NAVs are the largest group of Voters in Oregon. (There are more NAVs than
Democrats and Republicans.)

Click here
to read Non-Citizen Steps Forward, Tells How Oregon Automatically Registered Her To Vote Via Motor Voter Bill And Vote-By-Mail

Apparently, you don't need an Oregon driver's license/permit/ID number or Social Security Number to register to vote in Oregon...

Vote Tally Machines

Click here to see the voting tally machines each county uses in Oregon.

Oregon's election/voter registration system's contractor, BPro/KNOWiNK, provides County Elections Staff the ability to override votes as shown here.

Click here to see how NBC News casually mentioned 10 months before the 2020 election that ES&S is using 14,000 modems to connect voting machines to the internet. But don't worry, they put them behind a firewall, and they are "turned on for just seconds."

Click here to read about an Election Hack Identified that Can Instantaneously Swap Votes on a Ballot Before It Is Even Stored. (The only way to catch this hack is to compare the original paper ballot to the ballot image.)

  • When a Deschutes County resident asked the County Clerk for copies of the paper ballots for just ONE precinct (there are 50 precincts in Deschutes County), the Clerk responded that it would cost $4,864. 

Click here

Click here to read Voter Integrity Breached: Hand-Count Exposes Machines Off by Thousands

Click here to see how Cleburne County court rejects voting machines in elections, turns to paper ballots 

Click here to read Vice article: Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials

Read here to see all the questions to consider when using machines to count our votes.

From the Mesa County Colorado Voting Systems Election Database and Data Process Analysis Report #3 filed 10/14/22:
The use of computerized election management systems is now nearly universal across counties in the United States. While the use of these systems is touted as “efficient”, potentially decreasing manpower costs and time to produce election results, it also greatly reduces the transparency of the election process and exposes our elections to extraordinary vulnerability from both inadvertent and deliberate misconfiguration or misuse. Americans’ right to free and fair elections is inalienable, but that right is infringed by lack of transparency, and by whatever lies behind that opaque curtain.

Without free and fair elections and the transparency to see it for themselves, without relying on the assertions of any other person or organization, Americans’ consent and the legitimacy of our government, at all levels, is in doubt. If Americans’ votes are to be recorded and counted by machines, every aspect of those machines’ operation, configuration, and data must be recorded, immediately available at no cost or administrative burden to citizens and their independent examiners and confirmed 100% accurate through that independent verification. The absence or shortfall of any of those three imperatives (recorded, available, and independently verified) should immediately cause the public to distrust both the purported result from those machines, and also anyone who insists that they accept those results.