No Central Committee Meeting for June - just dinner, socializing and speakers. This June 28th meeting will be all about Election Integrity/Transparency in Oregon and what's being done about it. You don't want to miss it!
2022 GOP Primary Candidate for Governor of Oregon Marc Thielman is using the Kansas Brown vs the Board of Education case to invalidate the vote-by-mail fraud system in Oregon. If we are ever to have fair and honest elections again, we must start where voting by mail began in Oregon in 2000. Marc is an effective voice for the voiceless – tirelessly demanding the science and transparency from state government agencies, and championing the struggle imposed by draconian and highly politicized COVID policies, which have done unjustifiable harm to Oregon students, families, businesses and communities. To support bringing election integrity to Oregon, please consider donating to his legal fund: |
Attorney Stephen Joncus represents Marc in his current election integrity lawsuit against the Oregon Secretary of State, and Stephen will provide us with an update on the case. The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of mail-in voting and computerized tabulation of elections in Oregon because of widespread evidence of fraud, suppression of the vote, and disenfranchisement. Stephen is representing several Oregonians by fighting several cases regarding mask and vaccine mandates, among other civil rights cases. Like Marc, he's a Patriot, fighting on behalf of We The People. Check out his current cases here. |
And Senator Dennis Linthicum may be joining us!
5:30 Meet & Greet Social + Dinner
6:00 - 8:00 Speakers
The Dinner is $30.00 per person. Or $10 without dinner.
Open Cash Bar will be available.
NOTE: To ensure you get a dinner ticket, you must register no later than Friday, June 23rd. We have to give the caterer a few days notice of how many people will be eating, and too many people are showing up at the last minute expecting to buy a dinner ticket at the door. If we didn't plan for you to have dinner, then you won't get dinner. If you want to pay at the door for dinner (vs. online), please send an email to [email protected] to let us know that you plan to buy dinner tickets at the door and let us know how many tickets you'll be buying. (Paying at the door is more cumbersome for everyone, so paying online is preferable for efficiency and recordkeeping purposes.)