July 25 - Ranked Choice Voting Seminar + Central Committee Meeting


Ranked Choice Voting
(RCV) will be on the ballot in Oregon in November. Do you know what it is and how it works?

We are pleased to have a National Ranked Choice Voting Expert and Author as our keynote speaker, joining us Live virtually in Eagle Mountain Event Center's superior production and broadcast studio. Our speaker will delve into the complexities and consequences of ranked-choice voting (RCV) and the effectiveness and fairness of RCV.

Is it better? 
Is it cheaper? 
Is it faster?
Is it transparent? 
Does it increase turnout? 
Does it eliminate spoiler candidates? 
Does it help 3rd parties? 
Does it produce an absolute majority?

The speaker will also do Q & A so Oregonians fully understand what RCV is truly all about.

If Ranked Choice Voting passes this November, it will change our elections in Oregon. You don't want to miss this informational seminar. This event is open to the public. Please invite your friends!


Central Committee Meeting - Vance Day

Central Committee Meeting
After listening to our speaker, feel free to leave, or you can stay as the Precinct Committee People will have their Deschutes County Republicans Central Committee Meeting. Listen and engage with like-minded Republicans to help make a positive difference in our community! 


6:00 Check-In/PCP Credentialing
6:15 Speaker
7:15 Central Committee Meeting begins
8:00-8:30 Central Committee Meeting ends

No food will be available. Eat dinner before or you're welcome to bring your own dinner.

College Students (bring current college ID) and kids under 18 FREE

NOTE: If you want to pay at the door (vs. online), please send an email to [email protected] to let us know that you plan to buy tickets at the door and let us know how many tickets you'll be buying. (Paying online is preferable for efficiency and recordkeeping purposes.) 

July 25, 2024 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Eagle Mountain Event Center
Lower Level 2221 NE 3rd St
Ste 100
Bend, OR 97701
United States
Google map and directions
Nicole ·

Will you come?

$15.00 Couple Ticket
Two Adults
$10.00 General Admission
One adult