Feb 19, 2025 - Central Committee Meeting

Central Committee Meeting - Vance Day

Central Committee Meeting
Join fellow Deschutes County Republicans at our Central Committee Meeting. Enjoy dinner with friends new and old and listen, learn, and engage with our speaker(s). 

Speakers TBD

After listening to our speaker(s), feel free to leave, or you can stay as the Precinct Committee People (PCPs) will have their Deschutes County Republicans Central Committee Meeting. There is plenty to do to help our neighborhoods. We'd love your help. Listen and engage with like-minded Republicans to help make a positive difference in our community! 

Venue: Bend Subaru, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend, OR 97701

5:30pm Check-In/PCP Credentialing + PIZZA
6:00pm Central Committee Meeting begins
8:30pm Central Committee Meeting ends

With Pizza
$20/adult | $30/couple
Teens (ages 13-17) & College students: $5 (bring current college ID)
Under 13 FREE

Without Pizza
College Students (bring current college ID) and kids under 18 FREE

NOTE: If you want to pay at the door (vs. online), please send an email to [email protected] to let us know that you plan to buy tickets at the door and let us know which tickets (with pizza or without) and how many tickets you'll be buying. We need this info to know the headcount for dinner. (Paying online is preferable for efficiency and recordkeeping purposes.) 

February 19, 2025 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Bend Subaru
2060 NE Hwy 20
Bend, OR 97701
United States
Google map and directions
Debbie Meadows ·

Will you come?

$30.00 Couple Dinner Ticket
(Each Ticket Admits Two Adults)
$20.00 General Admission + Dinner Ticket
(Each Ticket Admits One Adult)
$10.00 General Admission (no dinner)
(Each Ticket Admits One Adult)
$5.00 Teen + Student Dinner Ticket (Age 13 - college student)
Each ticket admits 1 Teen/Student